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We offers multi services are quantitative and qualitative market research techniques, Survey programming & hosting analytics and data processing. Our market research consulting agency combines a client-focused approach with robust project management to offer a unique experience to its clients. We strive many services to our clients. These services are –
Quantitative Market Research
- First of all, in quantitative market research the data is well structured.
- Another is Quantitative research is often conducted using market research methods like surveys and experiments.
- As a result quantitative research aims to objectively measure the topic at hand, using mathematics and statistics.
- Especially relevant to facilitate this type of analysis, your data will need to be gathered in a structured format.
Qualitative Market Research
- Qualitative research is typically unstructured and exploratory in nature.
- Also Common qualitative research techniques include focus groups, interviews, and observation.
- Yet another qualitative analysis method is automated content analysis.
- It provides a quick way to gain insights into the unstructured data, especially when the set of data is large.
FGD Facilities
Unboxed.me recognises the importance of priceless information about the market acceptance of your products and services. Focus Group Discussions are conducted in an unstructured and natural manner to encourage open discussion and free flowing sharing of opinion from respondents. FGDs provide you with both the control and flexibility to truly understanding your customers. We have a pool of trained and experienced moderators. Because of our experience, we have established a very good reputation of providing high quality recruitment. This is something we’re very proud of considering the key to getting quality results starts with articulate and able respondents.
Boutique Market Research
Unboxed-me believe in providing the most up-to-date techniques while getting intimately involved with your business and research needs. This creative approach and attention to detail creates best solutions that generate proper insights.